Running Sayings:
I found a website that has cartoons of runners saying different things. I pulled out the ones that either remind me of myself in some situation or that contain a nugget of running wisdom. I've sorted them below:
Yelling "You're almost there!" is strictly forbidden until mile 25.
When making weekend plans, your first thought is always, "When can I get my long run in?"
Runner: One who has six pairs of "retired" running shoes in the closet, in addition to the ones in use.
How can you tell if someone ran a marathon? Don't worry. They'll tell you.
Yelling "Run, Forest, Run" at me? I'm blown away by your creativity.
You know you're a runner when... you try guessing the pace of a runner as they pass you.
Running keeps me busy until it's acceptable to have a beer or two.
If you don't go for a run, how are you supposed to know when to take a shower?
Of course it's a coincidence that there is a race in the same place where I planned our vacation!
You know you're a runner when... you see another person running and get jealous.
You know you're a runner when... you google your name and all you find are race results.
You know you're a runner when... people in your neighborhood say "I see you running a lot."
You know you're a runner when... you can run six miles and still feel out of shape.
Things only a runner understands: Sizing up every street, path or alley for the potential as a running route.
When your legs get tired, run with your heart. If that doesn't work, just keep moving towards the free beer.
You know you're a runner when... you are stuck in traffic and you think "i could have run there by now."
The tree in 20 feet or the port-a-potty in over a mile?
That moment after you realize it's a rest day... and you just don't know what to do.
26.2 - because 26.3 would be crazy!
Joggers bounce up and down at red lights. Runners stand there looking pissed.
In order to "kick ass" you must first lift up your foot.
NEVER AGAIN - until the next one. That's what marathons do to you.
Marathon thoughts: I'm going to die. But if I don't, I totally want to do it again!
Running is about finding friends who are your kind of crazy.
Our AGE is no big secret among RUNNERS.
Endorphins: More effective than any drug!
Running has taught me I can keep going long after I think I can't.
There is no magic pill. No great shake. No secret diet. Just get off your ass!
Running: It's not as boring as it looks.
You know who NEVER says "running is really hard on your knees"? People who actually run!
I'd rather be the slowest runner in a race anytime, than a spectator for a lifetime!
Ask your doctor if getting off your ass is right for you!